Social Media is a Puzzle

Social Media is a Puzzle

Share This: by   We all must admit that our customers and our prospects are on social media. So my question to you is this: is it a good place to meet and communicate with prospects and/or clients? Let me give you five basic guidelines in helping you answer that...
Data is our Agency’s Future

Data is our Agency’s Future

Share This: by Data is extremely important to your Agency. Why? It’s simple; you can’t improve what you and your agency aren’t measuring. Measurement is key! I can assure you that it doesn’t matter how big or small your agency is. You and your agency has data...
What Should an Insurance Website Cost?

What Should an Insurance Website Cost?

Share This: by By: Kelly Donahue-Piro President Agency Performance Partners Co-Founder Agency Appeal When you are working on the brand and the online presence for your agency, figuring out what a good insurance website should cost can often be confusing. There is a...
Why Owning your own Website is so Important

Why Owning your own Website is so Important

Share This: by By: Kelly Donahue-Piro President: Agency Performance Partners Co-Founder: Agency Appeal   There are some very simple and low cost ways to put up a website.  Before determining what website company may be right for you there are a few questions that...
The Hands Free Digital World

The Hands Free Digital World

Share This: by Consumers and prospects continue to be switching towards a hands-free digital world… yes, hands free. The world has gone digital and hands free. Almost all (if not all) mobile devices are being released with the latest and greatest AI (artificial...