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It’s no secret that customer testimonials WORK.   Think about it like this: are there any other completely FREE marketing tools that will have the same impact on your insurance agency as testimonials? There really isn’t when you think about it.   

The numbers don’t lie, customer testimonials have the highest effectiveness rating of all types of content marketing, with a rating of 89%.

It should be no surprise that 52% of top agents are using video testimonials as a marketing tactic. As in any service industry, customers work with people they know, like, and trust.mike demko - customer testimonials1 (1)










By using testimonials in text, audio or video format, you are taking a typical sales pitch and turning it into an honest and unbiased account of why someone should use your service.

So, how can you help quickly establish trust with prospects? With TESTIMONIALS!

Why are top agents using testimonials?  

Testimonials aren’t “salesy.” Since they are not in your voice, testimonials come off as much more candid and authentic.

Testimonials help to overcome skepticism. Potential clients are far more likely to trust your agency if they hear it from someone other than you or your staff. A good testimonial has the power to convince even your “tough sells.”

Testimonials are versatile.  They can be used to post on your website, in your email newsletter, and social media accounts.

Here’s your action plan for leveraging testimonials in your insurance agency marketing plan:

  1. Come up with a plan for capturing testimonials (1 per week, 1  per month, etc.).
  1. Decide whether you want to capture written or video testimonials. Video is MUCH more powerful and will resonate with your potential clients.  Video can also be easily shared on your website, Facebook, and other social or digital platforms.
  1. Decide who and how you will be capturing. If you opt for a simple written testimonial, use a quote from your client expressing what they like about your agency (or any other positive feedback they have mentioned). If you decide to make a video testimonial, you can have your staff, you, or your client make the video.
  1. Whether you decide to go with written or video testimonials, “help” your customers with what to say by writing a script (or at least bullet points) for them. This way, you’ll get a variety of topics that you can choose.

Here are some topic ideas:

-Your subject matter expertise

-Excellence in customer service

-That your agency is easy to work with

-That your agency is a one-stop shop

-That your agency helped the client to save money

-How you helped them with a claim

Expert Tip:

When discussing script ideas with your clients, be sure to mention it’s just a draft, and your customer can change it however they’d like.

  1. Incentivize your staff! Offer your staff $5 (or whatever you think will motivate them) every time they generate a new customer testimonial

Best Practices:

Sampson Insurance Testimonial

W.J. Wheeler Insurance Testimonial

Cossio Insurance Agency Testimonial

Capturing customer testimonials is a great way to showcase why your clients chose to work with you over someone else. It can be a very effective way to have your current clients “sell” your business for you.

So how do you continue to collect credible testimonials as you grow your agency?

Make it easy and accessible for your clients. Put a link on your website’s homepage that allows clients to give your agency a vote of confidence. “Click here to tell us how we’re doing” or “We want your feedback.” You can also add this link to your signature block and include it in email newsletters.

Take immediate action when you receive a positive feedback from a client. If your client is happy enough to tell you they are satisfied with your service, ask them if you can quote them on your website. You can go even further and ask if they would mind taking a few minutes out of their day to record a testimonial video.

Final Takeaway:

If you haven’t already started collecting testimonials, you are missing out on one of the most simple and effective marketing tools out there.