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When you make your footprint in the social media world you are setting yourself up for daily judgement. As you distribute your content across many social platforms accessible to the millions, please know, you’re not going to please everyone. This is why it is key that your agency has the right social attitude. Your social attitude revolves around the mutual understanding of your agency’s core values.

Avoiding Negativity

Most of us can agree that people are more willing to complain than to show gratitude. It’s an unfortunate but very real truth. Don’t let your agency be part of that crowd. Your complaints and negativity will only work against you, blending you into the rest of the masses of pessimists online. When you promote positivity and gratitude, you not only send out a feel good message to your audience, but your audience is more willing to check back up on you and stay connected with you. Have you ever had a friend or family member that never seems to see the glass half full? Chances are you’d rather be alone than be surrounded by their pessimism. The same goes from you to your audience, so when it comes to the message you are communicating, make sure it’s a positive one.

Your Agency’s Tone

The tone you are setting with your audience goes hand in hand with the message you are conveying. If you are unsure what we mean by tone, just think of a few big brands that are known worldwide. Now, think of a piece of content from them, this could be something spoken like a radio ad or something written like a blog. When you envision hearing that ad or reading that blog from that brand, a certain feeling may come to you. You may feel inspired, happy, or emotionally touched. No matter how you feel, there is no denying that the tone of this brand has affected you the way in which they intended. The way that they have affected you was caused by their tone. This tone was created from the strategic combination of elements such as visuals, video, music, the core message, and the voice that is speaking or writing the message. When it comes to your agency’s tone, the goal you should have in mind is to make it possible for your audience to identify your brand before they even hear your name on your advertisement or see your logo.


Your visuals showcase your brand, your identity, and your attitude in the social world. When it comes to visuals, there are a few different elements you must consider to successfully brand them. First, you must decide on your color palette. Your color palette is actually very significant factor when it comes to how you will portray your social attitude. Colors affect our emotions toward brands every single day. For example, certain shades of blue can give us feeling of trust towards a brand. Red can create a sense of urgency. Green can stand for money and wealth, or on the otherside, illness. See what we’re getting at? You must decide and stick with your brand colors, and you must choose them strategically based on how you want your audience to feel when they think of your brand. Do your homework when it comes to colors to make sure you are choosing what is going to work for your brand. Consider working with a professional graphic designer, who will have more experience working with brands and color, and will be able to give you strategic recommendations. Fonts also play a huge role in your visuals and how you are appealing to your audience. Here at Paradiso Insurance, we stick with 2 fonts in our branding. There are rules we follow when using them as well, such as when it’s appropriate to use our more playful font known as “sacramento.” To bring our colors and fonts together we use design elements. Design elements make branding visuals a quick and easy process. When you have design elements that are available in your branded colors, all you do is choose the element that works the best with the visual in the color appropriate to the context of your visual then add your text. Let’s recap quick; you have your colors, your fonts, and your elements. Now, you must apply them to an in-brand visual. An in-brand visual is exactly what it sounds like, a visual that aligns with your brand. Make sure the types of visuals you will use are aesthetically cohesive and reflect your agency’s tone. Set specific guidelines as to what look you are going for along with examples. Also, be sure to have examples on hand that are opposite of what you are going for, just to keep your marketing team on track at all times. Again, it is highly recommended that you hire an experienced graphic designer to help you decide upon the best avenue for your agency to take to be sure your visuals and tone match.

Challenges Faced

Ultimately, not everyone is going to take to how you decide to brand your agency. However, that’s ok. It’s what you want. You want the audience and customers that will truly connect with you. Those are customers for life. You will get some negative comments and feedback because you are now standing for something in a way you never have before. So expect some noise from that pessimistic crowd you have separated yourself from. Just make sure your marketing team is on the same page when it comes to handing things like that. You may choose to respond in a calm, collective, and positive manner. Or, you may decide to just remove the negativity all together. It’s really up to you and your team.

Pinpointing your agency’s social attitude is crucial to success in the world of social media. Once you have established all of the above, don’t sway. Stick with it, because it’s what you believe in. Be authentic, and represent who you truly are in the most creative ways you can think of.