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Yes, I’ve said it before and I’ll happily say it again: your insurance agency’s website is the one place where all of your digital marketing efforts should come together. It is the powerhouse of your online presence, a collaborative expression of your insurance agency’s brand, and so much more. Your website is your digital Director of First Impressions, because when prospects discover your insurance agency online, the first thing they will see is your website. You have one chance to either land a new client or have the prospect “bounce” away from your website. With all of this functionality behind a website, wouldn’t it make sense for us to optimize our strategy to provide the best digital customer experience and maximize our conversions? I think so. I wanted to give you a few out of the box tips that you may not have already thought of that will help take your website from good to great, starting with:

#1: A/B Test your Call-to-Actions

A call to action on your agency website is anywhere on your website that you instruct your audience to give a response. This could be having them download your mobile app, contact your agency, or fill out a free quote form. It’s important to do A/B testing with your call-to-actions over time, and then optimize where you see the best metrics. This could mean changing the position/location of a call-to-action on your website, changing the style or design up a bit, or even changing how the call-to-action behaves. We used to have our free quote form on the right-hand side of our website’s homepage, but now we are testing it out as a form that pops up and takes over the homepage instead. Once we see which one behaved better over time, by tracking our conversion metrics, we can stick with the better choice long-term.

#2: Optimize for Mobile

I ask insurance agency owners all the time if they are optimized for mobile, and their response is, “Yes, I have a website.” Well, I have news for you, that doesn’t mean that you’re automatically optimized for mobile devices. If your website displays the same on a computer as it does on a phone or tablet, it will likely be hard to read the text or navigate between pages on a smartphone. You have to make sure you’re optimized for mobile. If you’re not sure where to begin, I’d suggest reaching out to your website design professional, and if you don’t have one already, feel free to reach out to me for a few suggestions instead at

#3: Speak your Customer’s Language

It’s important to communicate with your customers how they want to be communicated with (whether that’s by text, email, social media, phone call, or other), but also by speaking to them in a way that they feel comfortable. A lot of the time, insurance agency websites can be jam packed with insurance lingo or jargon that your customers don’t fully understand. If that’s the case for your website, I would suggest having a more personable and welcoming approach toward your customer. After you identify your primary client base, or develop what we call marketing personas for your agency, you can capitalize by using a voice that specifically speaks to them in all of your written messages, videos, or visual content marketing.

#4: Include Video on your Landing Pages

Speaking of visual content marketing, your agency should definitely be making use of videos on your landing pages. If you’re not sold on the power of video marketing, then it’s important that you understand:

  • Video in an email leads to a 200-300% increase in click-through rates
  • After watching a video 64% of prospects are more likely to buy a product online
  • YouTube reports mobile video consumption rises 100$ every year
  • Including a video on a landing page increases conversions by 80%

Stats provided by Hubspot

Whenever you have an excuse to include a video, do so. Whether it’s a video about a recent event at your insurance agency, a video that describes a type of insurance that customers may not understand (such as flood insurance or umbrella insurance), or even a video of your staff on your meet the staff page; there’s always a good reason to include video. If you’re not sure where to get started with video marketing, I would suggest checking out our free webinar on video marketing for insurance agencies.

Hopefully these four tips will help you maximize the full potential of your insurance agency’s website. Remember, your website is your digital marketing powerhouse, so attention to detail is crucial. For more tips on how to optimize your agency website, check out our article, The Importance of Your Agency Website. Other than that, Happy Marketing folks!