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Is your goal to sell more insurance?  If so, you need to get focused on your core audience. If you haven’t already, you have to start by answering these four questions and make sure your agency’s entire marketing team pastes them to their foreheads.

1.      Who? Who is the audience for each piece of content your agency creates (please fill in the blank, i.e., blog)? Who is the specific buyer you are targeting with this platform (which social media platform)? Furthermore, your persona may differ depending on which social platform you are on.

2.      Why? Why are you doing this (or are you just doing this because some consultant just told you that you had to)? What is the behavior change that you must see to call this content initiative a success? Do you need to drive sales, save people money, or drive customer loyalty or help clients understand your agency’s brand? You as an owner must understand the why because if you don’t believe in it, it will not work.

3.      What’s the Outcome? What’s in it for the reader (there has be something they the prospect wants in the content)? How are you making their lives better or jobs easier in some way? How are you helping them understand what risks they have? Honestly, it really boils down to education. What is the pain point for your prospect, and how you’re going to solve it is key to your content’s success.

4.      Replacement factor.  If you didn’t provide this kind of information for your audience, would they care – or even take notice? Could they find the information elsewhere?  Is what you are saying really that important to the prospect? Remember to solve the pain point or else the replacement factor kicks in. The problem with that is, will you ever get a second chance? The answer is most likely not.

While all these questions are critical, if you have multiple responses to “who,” the other questions are impossible to answer. Having multiple audiences waters down the content, and it makes your content “usual.” It will have less of an impact and it will be almost impossible for you to accomplish your agency’s marketing goals. So take your time and really understand “The Who” part of this and the other three will come. Happy Content Marketing, and together we independent agents can win this war!