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If Paradiso Presents offers one piece of crucial advice, it is this: In order to be successful, you need to hire a marketing person for your agency.

It is so ridiculously hard at times to fathom adding someone on to payroll who is a non-producing employee to your agency.  Especially during our current economic standing, many of us almost think it is out of the question to think such a thought.  But as many of you realize from the success of other agencies, that mindset is almost backwards.

One of the worst things an agency can do is cut the marketing budget when things become “tight” . As many of us have been professionals in the industries for years, we forget that our service and product is NEEDED, not wanted.  Everyone needs insurance; now whether they shop based on price during these hard times is up for another discussion.  We’ll give it to you, sometimes its difficult to push product and coverage, when price is all that really matters to someone….regardless of potential repercussions down the road.

So if you know that people MUST have insurance, you now know that your customers are out there….whether they know they are your customers yet or not.


Don’t fall into the marketing trap: Consider the marketing department a portion of your agency that has longevity just as any other position there.

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