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Here are 6 Tips for creating Irresistible Content Marketing Offerings for Your Agency:


Tip 1: focus on your agency’s persona. This is nothing new, but this year it’s key to have an agency persona.  Who are you targeting is the key question and you must have the answer to that in order to have any success. What problems do they have? Why is this offer good for the particular persona? You must first think of who your persona is, then create the piece around their communication style and of course around their pain points.

Tip 2: we must be able to solve an actual pain point that they have. The best way to get a potential lead to download an offer is to give that potential client the confidence that your offer will answer their questions or solve a problem that they have. Remember if it is not helpful to your persona then it’s mostly likely not worth the offering. A great example of a bad offering for your agency is pushing out an email blast of an agency download newsletter that talks about BOP policies and how they have changed. This content (offering) doesn’t push the lead along the sales cycle, it simply talks over the heads of our prospects and that’s the last thing we want to do.

Tip 3: Create an AMAZING title. You can have an Amazing title with terrible content and because the title is so good it will drive traffic but our end goal is to have an amazing title with great content which the prospect downloads.

Tip 4: STOP using Corporate Jargon. Our prospects and clients do not want the corporate jargon. What they want is for you to be REAL! Some corporate wording you should stay away from is “Ground Breaking,” “Best of the Breed,” “Cutting Edge,” and “Next Generation.” What you need to do is stay in line with your persona. The corporate words should remain in the corporate world.

Tip 5: Use the best performing offer formats and let me share them with you. I would start with a white paper or an ebook then move into presentations or kits this will help you get you’re offering out there.

Tip 6: Your agency must stay current.  Remaining up to date is very important. For example, if you did a white paper on a niche market in 2009 and nothing since it looks like your out of date and maybe not up on times, so I would recommend you to write a new white paper or new content keeping up with the times. This is also a great time to explain the changes that having taken place, as well as chat about what may take place in the near future.

These 6 tips are ways to help you stay relevant in the internet world along with you staying in front of prospects who may need your services. If you’re not out there, how does that prospect find you? Hope these tips help you have a great 2015!