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Whether it’s right or wrong, society’s way of learning and taking in information has shifted. The days of chalkboards in the classroom are dwindling as products like iPads emerge. Someone who might have learned about moments in history , now look for a video from that moment. Getting help from a tutor now turns into a video tutorial on “how to”.

The point is this: our society is changing the way we seek information – whether it’s humor, history, reality, or learning.

Here are some startling statistics:

  • 72 hours of video is uploaded to YouTube every minute.
  • 800 million unique users visit YouTube each month.
  • 500 years of YouTube videos are watched every day.
  • 100 million people take social action (shares, comments, likes) every week.

If potential clients could be searching for your product/service, why wouldn’t you let your presence be known? 

Why wouldn’t you put yourself on the forefront?