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We have been waiting for this day to come….the day when our Facebook posts, content and tweets begin to infiltrate search rankings.  For our staff here at Paradiso Presents, we see this as an added plus but more importantly a reliever for some of you who are creating a social media marketing campaign for your company and primarily focus on certain marketing channels more than others.

After Facebook released its EdgeRank algorithm, we began realizing that if we were going to market on Facebook, we would have to confine ourselves to Facebooks ways of reaching our clients.

So now you have more rules when it comes to marketing on Facebook…JUST on Facebook.  Now with the change there is a whole new spectrum to factor in and that is your content on Facebook and/or twitter may now start to show up in Search Engine Results.

What does this mean?


It means that now, your content does not just have the opportunity to reach your Facebook or twitter audience; it can now reach clients searching for your product or message.  Over the course of the next several days we will be unveiling key information and tips to begin transitioning to this change including:

  • cleaning up your pages (after all, you are making a first impression to those who might never have used Facebook or twitter before)
  • Steps to have your content found more readily in the search engines
  • Key points to understanding this new marketing strategy.

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