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One of the biggest questions that face new insurance agencies on their marketing ventures is how to measure social media.  Often times you will hear Chris say, “Whats the ROI of your phone?” and that statement couldn’t be more true.

Before cell phones, business had to be conducted during working hours unless particular individuals knew your home phone number.  So in reality, if someone needed your services, the hours of operation we primarily the differentiators to who got the business and who didn’t.  However, now that most all of us have cell phones, we are able to conduct business virtually everywhere.  So how do you measure the ROI of your phone? You can’t! Its PRICELESS!

The key to social media, its imperative you realize that all of the interaction is based on psychology.  Its about building a relationship with your fans, friends and contacts versus trying to sell them your product first and build the relationship second.  Ultimately you need to market your agency and yourself on a more one on one basis.

Treat social media as a virtual BNI or chamber of commerce meeting and understand that growth comes from networking, not selling.  Gain the trust and rapport and the sales will follow; whether they follow a month, six months or two years is unrealistic to measure. If you do social media successfully, the retention and growth will follow for years to come. That is PRICELESS.