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Nothing is for free, right? Right.  By now, it seems as though Facebook has caught on the profitability businesses have incurred since their use of Facebook.  Realistically, there is nowhere else you can go to market to thousands upon thousands of potential customers without paying!  For some individuals, who are adamant on measuring return on investment, the embrace of social media sites like Facebook has been an uphill challenge…but similar to a billboard or tv ad, the end result is you hope that those avenues of marketing have made an impression…and impression strong enough that the person converts into a client.

The main question is when… thats why we always say, social media cannot be a set it and forget it project or touch and go.  Its all about consistency.

Now, lets get back to this new Facebook Promote button.  Its simple.  If you have a post and want it to stay higher up in the feeds of your Facebook dashboard page, you may want consider paying to promote it.  Although its purely in the test mode, the average promote post costs about $7.  The fact of the matter is, if you don’t have a lot of interaction with your fans, one issue may exist: they aren’t seeing your posts.

Even we have noticed lately, that the pages we are fans of, are getting lost amongst all the other friends and fans we currently have. So it makes sense that someone pay to promote a post.

We are going to test a post out this week and will keep you posted.  One thing not to forget is this; Just because you didn’t get a quick “win” or sale out of the promote feature, doesn’t mean it didn’t work.  You never know when a few weeks or months from now, that same post that left an impression drives that person into your business.  Its all about impressions after all!