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Kate on Google+

Had a really good conversation with an acquaintance who is in the business of directing social media for small businesses varying from different background with the same issue as mine: The owners don’t understand our goal for their company and we have none to talk to about it at the end of the day.

For those of you I’ve worked with, you’ve heard me say time and time again, “The results aren’t supposed to happen right away. The goal of social media is to reap the rewards long term.”  While the business owners come to terms with what it is we even do, we too find ourselves doubting our abilities.  (NOTE: The “wins” do come.  Trust me!)

Another struggle is the constant education behind the social media/digital marketing world.  There is a TON of information out there and finding the best knowledge to read, is usually the hardest struggle.


Lately, I have found Google+ to be my very best friend.  I have joined with several communities that have members doing exactly what I do, which gives us the ability to share our wins and losses amongst each other and also raise the level of efficiency amongst us.  Google+ is free, the communities are free and the information is incredibly resourceful and relevant.


If you are questioning your marketing moves, frustrated, struggling with your efforts and having second thoughts, you are feeling the same way we all have at one time or another.  Utilizing social media isn’t like a PPC ad where you pay for service.  You are ultimately creating your own game plan, content, information and figuring out the best routes and places to take it for the growth of your website, presence, brand and company.  Align yourself in several social media Google+ communities and voice yourself!  What you will find is extremely compassionate folk willing to offer their two cents…and many of them are the success behind some of the most successful companies both big and small, around the world.