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KellySocialAgencies invested in digital marketing have a never ending pursuit to obtain email addresses. Some producers get them and never think twice, however there are always a few team members who forget frequently. There is a valuable lesson you can portray to your agents that can solve two very serious problems.

By reducing commision on new business without email addresses you will insure that your team makes the extra effort to ask and enter it into the appropriate system. This will help you save management and auditing time. You can justify reducing commissions because it will cost more to service this account over time.

Customers without email addresses require the agency to send print mail to their house as well as make individual phone calls. The people, paper and mail costs start to stack up. In addition, a client we cannot email means we have to have high verbal communications with these clients. It is easily justified to reduce commissions for clients that are sold without an email address. If you make this switch watch how quickly the producers grab that email!

Blog authored by Kelly Donahue-Piro, President of Agency Performance Partners