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There is still some debate out there in the business world as to whether blogging is still relevant in today’s social media marketing environment. It is a very good question, and I get asked it on a weekly basis. Here is my approach in answering that question:

Regardless as to whether you’re a small agency, medium size agency, or a large agency- blogging is integral to your online content marketing and social media strategy!

Here are 4 GREAT reasons your insurance agency needs to blogging today:

  • Drive traffic to your agency’s website
  • Increase your agency’s website SEO/ SERP
  • Position your agency’s brand as an industry leader in the internet world
  • Develop better customer relationships and the ability to communicate with prospects and clientsLet’s talk about driving traffic to your agency’s website:

    Your agency blog gives you the opportunity to create relevant content for your customers and prospects. Use this as a marketing tactic to drive traffic back to your agency’s website. Also, use your blog to help create a difference between your agency and your competition. Use your blog to create an agency brand which will allow those to get to know what you and your agency stand for.

    Your Agency blog on your website should be the foundation for all of your social media platforms.

    Your business might or might not be on Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, or anywhere else. You must post links, with relevant visuals (visual content marketing) of your blog, to these various social sites. Give your social media followers a reason to click through to your agency’s website! The key here is to drive prospects back to your website, so once that’s done, you must be able to capture their name and emails so you must have a great call to action on your agency’s website

    Additionally, you should post inbound links directly in your blog articles (it’s a must do) to drive traffic to specific landing pages of your agency website. So make sure you have good landing pages on your site.

    Increase your Agency’s Search Engine Optimization (SEO/ SERP)

    Yes, it is a fact that blogs increase your Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Fresh and relevant content are still a key to beating out your competitors in the search engine world. There is no secret folks- it’s still a fact, it works, and it matters to Google and the internet world!

    Your agency must also use keywords in the articles and blogs you’re writing. List out the keywords that are relevant to what you’re trying to write for new business, new topics, and new categories that you want your agency to be found for. Use these words and related expressions when writing your posts, but keep one thing in mind- don’t talk like an insurance agent or else you will never be found. You must use the verbiage your prospects are using.

    Of course, whether you actively seek it out or not, blogging regularly (I suggest daily) about your agency, industry, or customer lifestyle will naturally increase your search keywords and that’s a good thing. Being calculated about your insurance words will only increase results and help the SEO of your agency’s website.

    Another thing that has not changed is the importance of keywords and insurance topics on your website. These are significant ways in which Google (and other search engines) understands who you are and what you do. We have to remember those keywords in order for Google to match us insurance agents with those looking for insurance. I would highly recommend seeking out a professional to do this- not some part timer or someone who isn’t experienced… make sure to do your homework before you hire them.

    Position your agency brand as an industry leader

    Well written articles and blogs demonstrate that your agency is an industry leader. By posting insurance topics that resonate with your market and show off your insurance knowledge, you in turn are marketing your skills and knowledge to the world of Google.

    If you are an insurance retailer, for example, write insurance blog posts about your products, but make sure to add real life stories because the average person doesn’t find insurance interesting. Your customers will get to know you as a source of knowledge on this topic, along with allowing them to see how you react to situations. Show them how and what you sell, but show them why you and your agency is different. Being different and showing the value your agency brings is the key to your brand’s success.

    If you are in B2B, post articulate, well- researched articles about your agency’s service. Become the center hub, or the place to be, for the industry. This will separate you from the others!

    You must remember something else: you’re building trust during this process, so the more you can show that you are well-versed in this subject matter, the more likely your client/consumer will trust you to service them in all of their insurance needs. Without trust, we don’t have much, so don’t try to sell every opportunity. You must take the approach that you’re going to educate the customer first before trying to sell them. Your customers and prospects can significantly benefit from the information you provide in your the blogs.

    Develop a better customer relationship

    Blogs provide a source to deepen the connection with your prospect or customer. By connecting them directly on your agency website, your clients/prospects are able to get to know your agency and what type of policies you sell. People today want things and want them now, so blogs allow them to gather all the information they may want- all from the comfort of their home, office, or wherever.

    Additionally, just as on your other social media sites, respond to comments and interactions on your blogs from viewers.  Always respond back to these comments- ALWAYS! If they have questions about a policy you are writing about, respond to them directly on your website. Unlike many social sites, a blog is generally searchable on your site for quite some time. Your website comments last longer than on a Twitter response or an Instagram post. Other customers will see your interactions as well, and that’s what they are looking for! So to end this blog, I’m not telling you when to blog or even how to blog. I’m telling you this simple request: your Agency NEEDS to blog!