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Today, our country honors and recognizes our Veterans.  This day represents much more than another day off; it’s a day of RESPECT.  Today we give THANKS to all of those who have served our great country. Today is also a day to remember freedom isn’t free.

My grandfather came over in the early 1900s from a small town in Italy. During World War I,  Shortly after calling this country home, he was called to serve.  My grandfather did speak English, he wasn’t here for more than six months, but he believed in this country and all it stood for.  He believed in the American dream and the opportunities this country offered and felt honored to serve to preserve those opportunities. On every 4th of July and Veterans day,  my grandfather put on his  uniform and walked proudly, for his dedicated service to our country.  My grandfather reminded me Veterans Day is EVERYDAY because everyone who has fought for this country has given up so much to keep us safe.  


My message is simple today:  Veterans Day isn’t one day every’s EVERY DAY.


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