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I love it!  Your agency is marketing! You are doing more than most! Now is the time to get really serious about your strategy. Too often I find agencies are doing what I call checklist marketing. Check!  I posted on Facebook today.  Check!  I posted a blog.  Check!  I sent an email blast. The next level of insurance marketing requires you to move from checklists to strategies.

A real marketing strategy has goals and targets. For example, this Valentines Day were you promoting life insurance or adding new jewelry to policies? This holiday season were you talking about Cyber Liability to your commercial customers?  When you move from posting to strategizing you can bring greater alignment to your marketing.

I recently sat down with Paradiso Insurance to help create a 90 day marketing strategy. It included the following:

  • Promoting the new Paradiso Promise
  • Life Insurance
  • Flood Insurance
  • Partners Page
  • EPLI
  • Getting App downloads

Within this strategy we use the following tools:

  • Blogs
  • SEO
  • Email Blasts
  • Email Signatures
  • Mailings
  • Web landing pages
  • Facebook
  • YouTube Videos
  • Pinterest
  • Picture Quotes
  • Facebook
  • LinkedIn
  • Twitter
  • Google+
  • Staff scripts
  • Boosting Posts


Once you know what you want to target and your tools, you can then identify what percentage of of your resources you want to put toward each area.

Move your marketing from checklist to strategy. Agency Performance Partners is here to help. We work with Paradiso Insurance on designing their marketing strategy to generates results. Call us today to learn more.